Having an energy-efficient home can save you a lot of money in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. There are many ways to save energy. These are some of the top ways to decrease your energy bills.

Install Low-Flow Shower Heads

A low-flow shower head reduces the rate of water usage to less than 2.5 gallons per minute. This is half the amount of water that comes out of a conventional shower head. By installing one of these shower heads, you’ll save money on your energy and water bills.

Have Your HVAC System Regularly Maintained

Your heating and cooling systems should be tuned up by a service technician once a year. This will keep the equipment operating at peak efficiency. Over time, neglected HVAC equipment becomes less efficient. North County Cooling Inc. offers annual HVAC maintenance services.

Seal Windows

You should seal air leaks around windows in your Palm Beach Gardens, FL, home. You can use silicone caulk to seal cracks and run weatherstripping around the window frames. These products are inexpensive and yet highly effective at keeping outdoor air from entering your home.

Replace Incandescent Bulbs

LEDs are far more efficient than incandescent bulbs and last many years longer. When you replace all commonly used lights with LEDs, you’ll see the savings on your energy bills.

Install a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats increase your energy efficiency by using artificial intelligence to heat and cool your home. The thermostat won’t needlessly cool your home when everyone is away, but it will make it comfortable just before you usually arrive home.

Give us a call at North County Cooling Inc. to find out more about creating an energy-efficient home and installing a smart thermostat. We’ll also be happy to tell you about our other heating and cooling services that we provide.

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