If your heat pump works normally, it should emit a gentle and inconspicuous humming sound. Other noises, however, typically mean that your system is crying for help and that you should take action to curb the problem. Here are a few distressing noises the heat pump in your home in Hobe Sound, FL, might make:


The most probable cause of this noise is an airflow obstruction. For instance, your heat pump might have dirty air filters. The dirt on the filters inhibits airflow, causing a whistling sound.

Dirty filters and airflow issues can cause many other difficulties for you besides this annoying and jarring noise. That’s why it’s so important to change your heat pump’s air filter at least once every three months.


If you hear these noises from your heat pump, evacuate your home immediately. Hissing and bubbling sounds are among the principal indicators of a refrigerant leak, which is quite dangerous.

Hissing noises happen because gaseous refrigerant escapes through holes in your heat pump’s refrigerant lines. Bubbling sounds occur because air rushes in and forms bubbles inside the lines. An HVAC service technician must stop the leak and replace the lost refrigerant.


These noises typically indicate a mechanical issue, which may occur separately or in tandem with another. You may hear rattling noises because dirt and other debris have made it into your system’s compressor or other parts. Buzzing and rumbling may come from malfunctioning electrical components.

During a maintenance visit, an HVAC service technician may remove debris and tighten bolts to prevent such noises. More serious electrical issues may demand deeper repairs.

Don’t turn a deaf ear to your heat pump’s cries for help. Ignoring strange noises may force you into a difficult position this summer in Hobe Sound, FL. Call North County Cooling Inc. to schedule AC repair services at the first sign of trouble with your heat pump.

Image provided by iStock

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