When they function properly, air conditioners in Jensen Beach, FL, shouldn’t emit any odors. Therefore, when your AC system begins smelling funny, you should immediately suspect trouble. Here are three ominous AC odors that you can’t afford to ignore:
Refrigerant carries a sweet odor that resembles ether or chlorine. If you detect this smell coming from your AC system, turn it off immediately, exit your home and call a trained HVAC team. This odor indicates a refrigerant leak, and refrigerant is a highly toxic substance.
If you accidentally breathe in refrigerant, you may experience loss of consciousness, neurological damage and even death. Furthermore, losing refrigerant will severely compromise your AC system’s functionality, forcing you to pay more for energy and curtailing the system’s lifespan. You must request professional AC repair or maintenance services to fix this problem.
A burning odor is also an indicator of danger, and we again advise you to turn off your AC system upon encountering it. In this case, the likeliest explanation is that your air conditioner has frayed wires somewhere. An HVAC service technician will need to fix them before the wires catch fire.
Alternatively, your AC system may have an overheated motor or it may have short-circuited. In any case, this odor is a serious one.
A violently disgusting stench like that of garbage coming from your AC system probably means that some animal, like a mouse or a squirrel, has crawled somewhere into it and died. You’ll need a professional to remove the carcass. Even after removal, the AC odors will likely linger around your home for some time.
Eliminate AC Odors
AC odors like those mentioned will ruin the ambiance in your Jensen Beach, FL, home, and it’s difficult to ignore them. Call North County Cooling Inc. and ask for our AC repair services to remove the odors and restore your system’s efficacy.
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