Air conditioning accounts for about half of an average household’s energy usage in Jupiter, Florida. You don’t have to compromise comfort to lower your cooling bills, though. Here are three AC maintenance tasks that you should complete through the summer and into the fall. As a result, you’ll improve efficiency and lower your energy costs.

Change the Air Filter

Your air conditioner’s filter has one important purpose: to catch particles before they circulate through the system and enter your home. A clogged air filter can’t perform this function. As a result, it’ll cause your AC system to work harder, which will increase your cooling costs and the risk of a breakdown. To avoid these issues, change your air conditioner’s filter every month during the summer. Consider also upgrading to a filter with a higher MERV rating.

Clear the Condensate Drain Line

The condensate line is responsible for draining excess moisture in your air conditioning system. If it clogs, the condensate drain pan will eventually overflow, and the water will damage any surrounding property. Your AC system can also breakdown. Check the condensate drain line periodically throughout the summer to make sure it hasn’t clogged. If you’re not sure how to clear it, an HVAC professional can complete this essential AC maintenance task for you.

Clean the Supply Registers

Another AC maintenance task that every homeowner can complete is to clean the supply registers. Vacuum around the supply registers to remove dust that has accumulated on them, and use a damp cloth to wipe them clean.

You should leave all other AC maintenance tasks to a trained and qualified HVAC professional. Trying to complete them yourself can result in damage or even injury. Contact North County Cooling Inc. today at 561-288-2063 to learn more about how to improve air conditioner efficiency so that you can enjoy lower cooling costs through the summer.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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